Saturday, October 8, 2011

One small red ant

A small red ant was wandering on Shiva's busy hand...
It was either a worker or a soldier ant...
He sensed it, but was busy in browsing Facebook...
Suddenly and unexpectedly, the ant bit him with it's strong and sharp jaws...
He got extremely irritated and bitterly annoyed by the brutal painful string of the small predator....
He kept everything aside and caught hold of the bloody culprit ant...
He placed it on a sheet of white paper to implement his plan of  strategic action.
With the help of both of his thumbnails, and focus, he pierced into the ant's slender waist and separated it's body into two equal pieces ...
His anger came down to normal levels.
He updated about the ant's murder in Facebook with a sense of achievement. Few likes and responses followed too.
After his revenge, he sighed victoriously and relaxed with a wicked smile,  only to see one more red ant on his leg...
He was yet to face the ants battalion...
He was yet to realize the fact that  it had been more than an hour since he had not washed his hands after eating a honey cake.


Someone is Special said...

ha ha.. Nice one Mahesh Kalaal..

Someone is Special

Rajkumar Palnati said...

Good Mahesh...........

gautam said...

Good one Mahesh...!
funny one.
keep on writing man ..