It is summer vacation...
The favourite game of all the kids in the apartment is knocking the door or ringing the door bell and running away to escape...
Door no 404 is their regular and easy target ...
Every time, the house owner Manjula opens the door and smiles happily, looking at the scattering kids...
Among all the kids, Karthik is the only one who stays away from the game...
He watches the game by hiding behind a pillar...
Though his childishness hints him to join the kids, something is stopping him to run ...
Among all the kids, Karthik is the only one who stays away from the game...
He watches the game by hiding behind a pillar...

Though his childishness hints him to join the kids, something is stopping him to run ...
He is not physically disabled, but she is.
Always writing from the other side, the other side of a perspective.
@ Anonymous Someone...
Hey buddy, thanks for the feedback.
Btw, are you getting bored by my other side of perspectives? Am i repeating myself ? let me know your opinion. :) :)
Hey Mahesh... awesome.... whoz responsiblity is to bring awareness to the kids.. parents right? or the scool!
@ Hary...
Obviously , it is parents responsibility to teach kids to be sensitive to certain situations and circumstances ....
School?....all they nurture is technical and english education.... we need moral, sensible and social education.
How beautifully hits..sensitivity towards others has to become a way of can only lead by example ..
@ Ramesh ji...
Very well said sir...
Thanks for the apt response.
Beautifully written, I am impressed
Wonderful work Mahesh ,as highlight such sensitive issues so beautifully and sensibly...
We really need moral education...
That's such a poignant thought! very beautifully captured.
Hi Mahesh,
I am very much impressed after reading all of your posts. You are such a great talent man. Actually you impressed me 90% in all your posts, your style of writing and presenting the blog etc. But as soon as I opened the comment window and the moment I read FRENDS (I use Frend for the past eight years, as I personally feel - Whenever Frends come to picture there is no need of "I" and still sounds the same), you made it 100%. I strongly feel that your way of narration is quite unique, simple and awesome. Hats off Mahesh.
And I like to borrow your concept of "I Recommend" & "Comment Window"
Few Miles
Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M
Wonderfully written.. Liked the way it unfolded and brilliant sensitive writing.. :)
Good one mahesh - Incidentally I used the same photo for one of my older posts.:-)
you kidding right? you are boring no one right now, but yes, you are definitely becoming predictable. So I am quite ready for the abruptness in your writings. :P
Try not to loose it.
so riveting! as always... :)
excellent, hard-hitting writing.
reminded me of d saying...."AS U SOW...SO SHALL U REAP"....teachings reflected in behavior
Really Really good stuff...
One of your best ever...
Hey Mahesh...ur blogs always have a different view point and touch...........this was one of them.........
KEEP IT UP...:-)
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