This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 12; the twelfth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Karthik was a six year old boy. He was in the park, which was near to his home, since 2 hours . It was a summer evening. Few people were walking in the park, few of them were in chatting, few of them were writing and reading, and few of them in yoga. All these things didn't matter to him except the sight of few children of his age playing with balls and colorful balloons, screaming and running here and there, accompanied by their parents. Some kids were relishing ice-cream. It didn't grab his attention. His appetite wanted something else .
He didn't know whether the situation was like, "I was not alone but feeling lonely' or whether, "I was not lonely but feeling alone". Those things were beyond his age's perception. He knew only one thing, pain, not the physical one, but the psychological one, which was quite torturing and pressing for his budding tender age. He hardly knew how to deal it. He didn't even know that it was called pain but it had got reflected in his body language and facial expression. He also didn't know that he wanted to escape from it. He was just responding instinctively to the new stinging pain.
Karthik was sitting alone lonely on a corner bench in the park, with his face in between his folded legs, frightened by his parent's fight quarrel last night, with gushing tears rolling streaming down his tender cheeks. The source of the tears was not his eyes, but it was his heart which had been pumping out unknown fear along with gallons of water. Since few days, the events between his parents had left an indelible impression upon his young and unbearable mind. For his parents, more than the boy, their ego mattered the most. Nothing interested or excited him, except the only choice, the corner bench in the park. He had preferred only two things, one the compulsive school, and other, the inviting park. He had been regular to the park since a month. The stress had lead him into a malady of depression. He even didn't know what it was to be normal anymore. For him, love and childhood were perpendicular to each other.
The tears were streaming out
Not knowing the Boy
would cherish his childhood.
It was about to sunset. Mean while, a small girl in a cute white dress came near to him. She stood before him and raised his chin. Looking into his submerged eyes, she wiped his tears with her tiny tender hands and gave him a chocolate with a cute smile. He didn't respond to her act but his tears had stopped after few minutes . She sat on the same bench beside him with her little hand on his shoulder. She sat as if she knew what happened with him. They didn't speak anything, not even a single word. Karthik couldn't realize that he was feeling better at that moment. It was not the silence but her presence which had made the difference. After half an hour she gave him a hug and left him , smiling and waving her hand, along with her small bicycle. He didn't wave her back but he wished she could stay for some more time. That was the first and last time they have met, but the tears were stopped for that day.
Though Karthik came to the park everyday, the girl was never seen in the park. For few days, he waited for her on the same bench. He wanted back those moments he had spent with that girl. Her absence had added more fuel to his burning aching heart. As days were passing on, he was gradually habituated and trained his heart to control his tears but his gestures spoke volumes of pain. He had never shared anything with anyone. There was not much change neither in Karthik's life nor in his parent's life. He neither sat on another bench nor someone sat beside him on that bench. Days were rolling on, pacing with his pricking emotions. The only feel good factor in his life was the bench in the park.
After 10 years....
At the age of 16, Karthik was sitting on the same bench controlling his volcano of tears and thumping emotions . The reason was same but the intensity and impact was more. His father was in prison for murdering his mother. Many words and hands tried to console his emotion, but all in vain. None can make him normal as he was never normal. The only person who had that potential was the small girl he had met in his childhood . Nothing can replace her for him. Nothing was silent in his life in the last ten years. Nothing had resonated his infliction. His academic grades were just on the borders
Karthik shifted to his grandmother's place now . Nothing had changed for him. Though his life was budging, it was filled with her nimble thoughts daily. He wanted the girl, not desperately, but essentially. He was still in her waiting, so much so that waiting was no more a waiting for him. He never categorized his relationship with her, but he waited. Waiting had become his living, along with the bench. No theory or philosophy could not convince him to stop the irrational waiting. After few months, he had lost everything. His bench in the park was no more. The municipality had demolished the park to build a commercial building. Life was void for him. He had stopped going to parks. In-fact, he had stopped relating himself with things or persons. All these years of his pain, his complex feelings got cemented into a strong and only wish of his life - to meet the girl. Strangely, he never wished to have good parents. He wished almost nothing.
After few months,
Karthik was standing in the balcony, glinting at the sunset, with a bunch of unquestioned answers and unfinished thoughts streaming in his mind.
The sun had set to rise at some park in another place of the world. Many tears on tender cheeks across the world were still finding their ways to evaporate by the heat of pains. There were unanswered questions too. Through out his life he could not find two things . First was the girl's name . Second was the fact that when she was wiping his tears, ten years ago, she had wiped her tears too ......
And, he never knew that she had a similar wish too.
After few months,
Karthik was standing in the balcony, glinting at the sunset, with a bunch of unquestioned answers and unfinished thoughts streaming in his mind.
The sun had set to rise at some park in another place of the world. Many tears on tender cheeks across the world were still finding their ways to evaporate by the heat of pains. There were unanswered questions too. Through out his life he could not find two things . First was the girl's name . Second was the fact that when she was wiping his tears, ten years ago, she had wiped her tears too ......
And, he never knew that she had a similar wish too.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.