Perhaps, this is the most delayed topic i had ever wanted to write about. May be because of my Perception that no one else in this world can get what exactly i perceived in this movie. May be because this is the BEST TOP MOST RATED(10/10) movie till now in my life. May be because of the Reasons which i don't want to disclose , with a doubt that others may not get my reasons in a way they exactly are, rather than in a way they want my reasons to be. Anyways, i had watched this movie in Jagadamba theatre of vizag with a friend .Right from the start to till the end, Amir Khan has proved why he is called as a thinking and intelligent film maker. And who can forget that smart and cute kid who was apt for the role of Ishanth........Now as usual, You may say, ''Mahesh, Chill !!!...... we already know this and had read about this movie and actors umpteenth number of times through different sources ". You may even ask me, "Mahesh, Whats the fuss all about your much hyped words like 'Perception', 'Reasons' , blah blah blah..........". Yeah, you are right again.
But what makes me so much attached and moving in this movie may clear your logic. When the movie finished i went to beach in vizag with burdened feelings and emotions which were first of their kind in my life till that moment.Sipping my favourite coffee and embracing the beauty and serenity of sea waves which signalled their eagerness to share my feelings, i went into a deep, rationalistic and intensified pensive mood which ignited my thought process to a simple , yet significant, Question ...............
"What if the boy never met Aamir khan in his life "???
..........This lead to some more subordinate questions like 1. What might this so called self-proclaimed perfect society label him for his inability to score marks and ranks?? 2. Which forced career he might be following to compete in the present direction-less rat race ?? 3. How much creativity might have vanished in his imaginations in the process of accumulation of goods of Consumerism and Materialism 4.How much pain and anguish he might have digested to satisfy the societal expectations and peer pressure. 5. How much courage he might be lacking to face the bias and prejudice by his Parents and Friends?? ........... And many similar consequential questions had evolved in my mind leading to another set of Questions...........1. How many people around us in our daily life are facing similar problems?? 2. How many of such people are in desperate search of Aamir khans to empathise with them?? 3. How many people are being humiliated and embarrassed by our technical and affluent superiority complex?? ............. Though i have many questions in my mind, finally i feel one thing .
"Sometimes there are only good Questions, no good answers".
Care, Support, Rapport, Understanding, Humbleness, Compatibility, Empathy, Concern, Modesty, Perception etc etc...........Though everyone knows these words and their impact, we hardly use them for others because we are either egoistic or egotistic, rather we expect others to follow these words for us.
"Tujhe sab kuch patha hai na Maa.......meri Maa"
Taare Dilon Mein........ Perhaps !!!

Sometimes there are only good Questions, no good answers".
Loved this.... Very good..keep rocking like this
mahesh... I can say one thing.. you have pretty good writing skills... keep writing...
thanks for ur pat, chandu and peggy .....
heart touching one.....really moving buddy.....
ur anguish and pain gets reflected here..... but it seems that there are stacks of emotions inside your thoughts trying to burst out ....
i hope u will let atleast some of them here.
well...dat was one gut wrenching stuff i eva' read...why dont ya try on some professional writing like some novel perhaps? you can rawk..and ya itz totally real, i think evryone after dat movie went thru more or less da same feelings...
so we dont worry, we dont think you are getting over senti...xD
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