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This post has been published by me as a part of <b>Blog-a-Ton 59</b>; the fifty-ninth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with <a href="https://indicreator.com" target="_blank">IndiCreator. For Creators. By Creators.</a>. Share Your #LockdownTales at indicreator.com
She waited for him when earthquake had occurred.
His reason was visa problem and the real reason was negligence.
She waited for him when floods had occured.
His reason was being busy and the real reason was priorities.
She waited for him when the roof was leaking.
His reason was that plumber is required to fix it and the real reason was belittling.
She waited for him when their land in the village was encroached .
His reason was that the land wasn't worth fighting and the real reason was flight expenses.
She waited for him when she fell ill due to a virus.
His reason was no flights due to lockdown and the real reason was the fear of contagious virus.
No wonder she always loved her son. He always loved himself.
She was home quarantined and was spending her time looking at wall photo frames while he had changed his whatsapp DP on mother's day with beautiful quotes.
She was waiting for the unlocking of lockdown where as for him there was always a Lockdown.
She has never stopped being a mother and he never stopped being himself .
She has won over the virus but he is yet to look beyond the self imposed Lockdown.
She was asking for love where as he was masking realities .
What is your Lockdown?
Quotations? Or masked quotations??
Sanity or Sanitiser ??
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The <b>fellow Blog-a-Tonics</b> who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective <b>posts</b> can be checked <a href="https://blog-a-ton.blogspot.com/2020/07/blogaton59.html"><b>here</b></a>. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following <b><a href="https://blog-a-ton.blogspot.com">Blog-a-Ton</a></b>. Show your support for the hastags #BlogATon59 & #LockdownTales. Participation Count: -- </blockquote>